Thursday, May 25, 2006

I am not longer a wise man

ooh...just took out my 3 wisdom tooth....suprisingly, its not as painful as people had said, just feel very numb my mouth. but you should see the blood cot....its so damn scary and as 8pm last nite, blood still keep flowing out from my left wound. and u can see the blood cot like Jelly!! hehe....

i love my wife, shd took such a good care of me......i will take care of her when its her turn hehe.....

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just came out from the operating 3rd sugery in my life.

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if i change my name to Buddha, then these tooth will be called Buddha Wisdom Tooth Relic??

Oh, may foo requested for the floor plan drawing i drafted MYSELF....and when i din reply, she email me again "I HAVE YET TO RECEIVE THE DRAWING." wah, she my boss ah?? if she need it, draw herself lah.......

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